Divorce Lawyers in Uncasville, CT

Divorce Lawyers in Uncasville, CTIf your marriage has truly passed the point of no return, your next step is to find an experienced and capable attorney to represent your side of the story. Let Pamela Bacharach be your choice for divorce lawyers in Uncasville, CT. Pamela is based in Willimantic, and she has represented clients in divorce cases throughout the region for over 30 years. In addition to her own practice, she has also been part of a larger law firm, and she has the professional experience as well as her own personal experience to guide you through this tough time.

Why You Need An Uncasville Divorce Lawyer With Experience

Divorce laws in the state of Connecticut leave a fair amount of divorce judgements to courts and judges. For example, when your divorce goes into property division, the judgement is going to depend on a variety of factors, such as the length of the marriage, the causes of its breakdown, and other factors. Anything acquired during the marriage, including gifts and inheritances, is considered to be a marital asset, and the court is going to decide what is fair to both parties.

The courts will take the same viewpoint when it comes to alimony and child support…each divorce is viewed on a case by case basis. Judges will look at the differences in income, the earning potential of both parties, and the sources of income. In cases of alimony, the court will make decisions based on who is asking for alimony and whether there is a fair justification for it. The same statutes apply to most all factors of a divorce…child custody and visitation, domestic violence, restraining orders and most everything else.

In your divorce, your choice of your attorney is extremely important for that very reason. You need a strong attorney who knows what courts and judges will expect, how to prepare your case and how to defend against the other side’s tactics. Pamela Bacharach is that attorney, and she and her effective legal team will represent you in every court appearance, meeting and deposition.

Divorce is a difficult time for everyone involved, but having an experienced and knowledgeable attorney in your corner is well worth the trouble. Pamela Bacharach is your answer for divorce lawyers in Uncasville. Reach out to her today for a consultation; let Pamela represent you and your interests and help you move forward with your life.