Divorce Lawyers in Coventry, CT

Divorce Lawyers in Coventry, CTPamela Bacharach is here to be your legal voice when searching for divorce lawyers in Coventry, CT. Pamela has been through the divorce process and is a mother of two herself, and she fully understands all of your concerns. She has successfully represented a large number of Eastern Connecticut clients through the years, from her centrally located office in Willimantic. Pamela and her staff are ready to protect your interests and help you through this stressful time.

Coventry Divorce Lawyers – Experience Matters

For over 30 years, Pamela Bacharach has been practicing family law in Connecticut. She understands what courts are looking for and what to expect from proceedings. She will be prepared for most all divorce matters, including:

Property Division. The state of Connecticut divides marital assets in a way that the court ultimately determines to be equitable and fair. Factors in property division include the length of the marriage and the reasons for its dissolution, along with both parties’ sources of income, vocational skills and employability long term. When dealing with debt, the court views who accrued the debt and how.

Alimony. Connecticut courts determine alimony payments based on differences in income of both parties, their level of education, their vocational employability and other sources of income. The needs and income of the party requesting alimony is also a factor.

Child Support and Custody. When it comes to the stressful matters of child custody, the court is going to consider the child’s needs, both parents’ ability to meet those needs, the child’s own preferences and the parents’ relationships with the children. In all divorce cases in Connecticut, the courts decide on both legal and physical custody matters.

Divorce is stressful for a variety of reasons, and multiple matters need to be overcome. It’s vital to have an attorney who understands the court system fighting on your behalf. Pamela Bacharach will be prepared for everything from both the court and the other side of the table. She will meet with you personally to discuss your situation, and will zealously advocate for your interests.

Let the Bacharach Law Firm be your answer for divorce lawyers in Coventry. Reach out today to request your initial consultation, or enter your information in the form below. Pamela can help you get to the other side of this difficult time, and to the next chapter of your life.

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